Saturday, December 6, 2008

Menu Plan Monday!!

Well, Last week did not go well at all. My Mom called Tuesday night and was in distress with her heart. We called 911 and they took her to our local hospital and then transferred her on to Jackson TN(bigger hostpital also where her heart doc is located). She is doing fine they did a heart cath and did not see anything. She did not come home till late Friday nite, so needless to say Robert and I have had our fill of hospital food.(it was pretty good) Poor Chase had to fend for himself. But we all managed and she is home and doin well.

It is still real cold and soup weather and Robert has been hollerin for some Mexican Cornbread, so I am going to try to do some this week.

It is Saturday night and we just cooked up a bunch of Hamburgers and Fries. It was really yummy. I love a homemade hamburger!!!

MONDAY-Leftover hamburgers and Chips

TUESDAY-V-8 Soup and Mexican Cornbread

WEDNESDAY-Leftover soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

THURSDAY-Lasagna & Garlic Bread and corn.

FRIDAY-Eat out or order out...I Love Friday's!!

SATURDAY-Might finish up my shoppin and eat out somewhere....

SUNDAY-Day of Rest saith the LORD!!! I try to do what he tells me!!!!

For more MPM click HERE!!


Unknown said...

I'll keep your mom and family in our daily prayers. I hope she gets better soon.

Robert D said...

Glad your mom is better....The Mex Cornbread was TERRRIFFFICC!!!!!!