I haven't blogged in awhile. Things have been crazy. Business has been good we have had more than a dozen closings and all of them have happened in the last 2 weeks. We are trying to get ready for our UC convention. It's gonna be in Vegas. We will be leaving soon for it. We are flying so I am measuring suitcases and tryin the best way to pack or lightest way rather.
Been to the dentist. I have a tooth botherin me and they can't find nothin wrong with it. Goin for a cleaning next week. My dentist put me on some antibiotic and I think it's helpin.
I am gonna try to get back to Menu Plannin soon. I cleaned out my freezer and deep freezer yesterday and I threw away so much stuff that I forgot I had. Kelly says menu plannin will fix this problem.. I sure hope so.
Addie is doin fine. She has had this crud again and went back to the doc last week and her ears are tryin to get infected Again. She has just finished another round of antibiotic.
Mom has been to the doc, she has been really tired lately and her blood is low. She is anemic. They may have to start her on Procrit shots to help build her blood. She is has an appointment in March to see a doc about this.
I am so ready for Spring and for all this sickness to go away!! Hope everyone is havin a wonderful Sunday!!!