There is another hurricane headed into the Gulf. I have family in Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, and Wiggins MS. This time of year I am on Pins and Needles and hopin that we don't have another Katrina. It filled my brothers home with about 5 foot of water and he was there when it happened. (he lives about a mile and a half from the coast) He still has not got his house back like it was. It was really hard on him.
My other brother had pulled down the attic stairs and was gathering everyone fixing to get them in the attic when the water started to recede.
My brother that lives in Wiggins is fixing to have to bring his very sick Mother-in-law home with hospice and he has four kids. It will be so hard; if not impossible for them to evacuate.
My Aunt's home, nothing was left but the roof, after Katrina. This was the same aunt that got water in her home after Camille only 5 inches From her Ceiling...these storms devastate property and change lives forever.
I was living in Pascagoula when Hurricane Camille hit and I remember it very well
If you are wondering where Pascagoula is it is right on the MS and AL border on the coast!!
Please pray that this storm goes away.
To wish it away from my family will be wishing it on someone else and I don't want to do that!!!!
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