My dad would have been 81 today. He was born in 1927 and was such a good man. He died of lung cancer on New Years day of 1994. Kelly remembers him and Robert loved him like a real dad. Chase remembers him some. He was only 2 when daddy died. This is a picture of Daddy with Chase the first time he saw him. Chase was born on Sep 10 and we went to the coast for Thanksgiving that same year.
We found out he had cancer on December the 3rd of 1993 and we had his funeral on January 3rd 1994. It all happened so fast. The cancer had done spread to far, by the time they found it. Daddy thought he had a pulled muscle in his back and it was the cancer.
I hope and pray that he can see Addie. He would be absolutely crazy over her. He loved kids and he was such a good daddy. We spent hours fishing, I followed him everywhere. I had three brothers and no sisters and I was Daddy's Girl all the way. I was so spoiled. Daddy would jump through hoops for me.
I really have a hard time on his birthday, Father's Day and New Years Day. It changed the meaning of New Years Day for me. Instead of being a new beginning it was the end.... of a good man who I wished would have lived to be 100. But God needed him more than we did and God knows things we don't. I trust in him and know that Daddy is watching over all of us from Heaven.
Robert has felt his presence here in our home before, once when Kelly was real sick. We had a peace about her that we did not have before. I can't explain it, but I am not suppose to. Daddy knew we were worried and was letting us know that everything was going to be OK.... I miss you so much Daddy. Please continue to look out for my family...
Oh, I hope you are having a wonderful Birthday party with Jesus!!
I love this post!! It is so sweet!! And I love that picture! You need to make sure that you put that picture on Chase's page in the yearbook. I love you!!
I Love you Sandi.. Mr. Scovel was a fine man.He Loved you and Loved all his children. Oh, and yes, you were his favorite and you were spoiled.That's o.k. though,my mom always told me that kid's are either "spoiled or neglected" and you certainly were not neglected. If Mr. Scovel were here, he would be proud to say "Yes, my baby is spoiled"..I am honored and a better person because of the few yrs I got to spend w/ one of my best friends and your dad,Benjamin Franlkin Scovel..I miss him...
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